Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Run Pig Run!

Once I saw the website name, www.runpigrun.com, I HAD to go here. Swine.  I read about it a year ago in the US Airways magazine...yes, I was that bored on the flight.  There were so many reasons: bourbon, barbeque, cracklins, cocktails...but I had it in my head that it was a tapas place and would be better suited to a few people than the solo business traveler.  So I waited.  And every time I had colleagues with me they wanted to eat near the hotel.  Sigh.  And finally I had an opportunity to go at the end of last summer - a really lovely man I met on a flight invited me for drinks...but I was seeing someone at the time (whom very shortly after I STOPPED seeing) and I declined.  Moral of the story  - say yes to the drink!

The next shot - more business travel - this time with our President and another colleague. This was IT!  But it wasn't.We dined French...

Again - this time I'm taking my clients and there's nothing that could stand in the way!  But alas, there is a mechanical failure and the restaurant has to close - so I take them to Bulla instead.

And now...drum roll please...it's Monday night, I have no travel companions, and I decide to go for it.  I request my Uber and a few minutes later I am arriving at Swine.  Finally.  I go in - it's small, rustic, 10 seat bar with one couple stationed near the corner; a few community tables full of diners and a handful of 4 tops and 2 tops.  I sit at the bar, and the darling bartender gives me the menu(s) and lets me have a moment.  I tell him about my trials just trying to go there (he's very polite about it) and we talk about the options and settle on the Miami Spice menu (this is a 3 courses for $39 like Charlotte restaurant week). And a Manhattan with Bulleit rye.  It's just right - pretty coupe, sour cherry, the sweet vermouth is an accent, and the bitters bring out the rye. Well done, young man.

And the food was everything I hoped for.  I even ate cold leftover ribs for breakfast the next morning.  Just saying.

Martini - 7

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Triple Threat, but not American Pharoah

That's right folks, 3 for 1 tonight. 

#1 (yes, YOU are number one, but so is this bev).  Charlotte restaurant week...ahem Queen City Feast I believe is the proper name.  Scene: hot Wednesday night in Charlotte, NC, slightly early cocktail hour - it was almost 5 - chez moi (oh no Meg it's another Manhattan...), how are we the first ones here seat us in the middle of the restaurant do they know what they are doing!, well...let's just get a cocktail while everyone arrives.  Upstream in Phillips Place - sophisticatedly noisy and menu driven, this dining room offers an incredible value and wide variety for their restaurant week.  But back to the cocktail - on the features list The Outer Bank: Smirnoff Vodka, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Fresh squeezed grapefruit, lime juice, splash of cranberry. But of course, to be contrary and because the grapefruit made me crave a greyhound, I asked for gin instead of the vodka.  And then so did Heather (not speaking in the third person, my friend Heather!). And then so did everyone else that ordered the drink. It's nice when your friends overwhelmingly approve of your choices.

Martini -  7

#2 girls weekend -  a much needed low key getaway to stare at the water, sun bathe, cook, and sleep was hovering in the distance TOO FAR AWAY and the days felt like sand stuck in an hourglass. All you could do was stare and tap the sides and occasionally a few grains would fall.  But finally on Thursday night, I dropped the top, picked Kate up and we hit the road!  It felt like freedom even in the thick of traffic on 74.  We allowed Google Maps to take us the most bizzaro back country roads, but in the end (plus getting caught in a massive thunderstorm - yes the top was still down) we made it to the townhouse around 11.  Time for a grilled cheese and a salad and a martini!  I know - that's a weird combination, but I wanted a drink and something comforting to eat, so there. What makes it a blog-worthy martini?  Well, when you pour your New Amsterdam gin from the giant bottle on your home bar into a weekend's worth portion (safely toted in a Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter jar - hey it won't leak!), realize you have no vermouth, and that there aren't any martini glasses the whole thing makes for a pretty comical assembly.  In a short glass (no shaker) add ice.  Dump gin from peanut butter jar into said glass trying not to spill; clearly these jars are not designed for pouring liquid, clean up mess, curse wasted gin. Slice lemon (we did get some things right), squeeze into "shaker" and stir.  Strain into chilled tiny wine glass. Garnish with lemon twist. Not the prettiest, but damn refreshing.

Martini - 5

#3 Pisces: Refined Drinks - I LOVE going for cocktails with Cassandra - just the two of us.  It's always fun, real, and centering. I'm a lucky girl to have such long time friends in my life - and this one goes back to 2001, Limoges France. We decide to go for the sushi boat! Yes boat.  I hadn't done this before, and it was amazing.  To compliment, what better than a Manhattan?  Ok, I'll admit that was a terrible pairing choice, but I really wanted it and we ordered drinks before we decided on the boat. Pisces version is called the Far East Manhattan - Bulliet Rye, Ginger Liqueur, Zipang
Sparkling Sake & Bitters.  The balance is so perfect that there is no overwhelming ginger or sake.  It's just good. 

Martini - 8