Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Run Pig Run!

Once I saw the website name, www.runpigrun.com, I HAD to go here. Swine.  I read about it a year ago in the US Airways magazine...yes, I was that bored on the flight.  There were so many reasons: bourbon, barbeque, cracklins, cocktails...but I had it in my head that it was a tapas place and would be better suited to a few people than the solo business traveler.  So I waited.  And every time I had colleagues with me they wanted to eat near the hotel.  Sigh.  And finally I had an opportunity to go at the end of last summer - a really lovely man I met on a flight invited me for drinks...but I was seeing someone at the time (whom very shortly after I STOPPED seeing) and I declined.  Moral of the story  - say yes to the drink!

The next shot - more business travel - this time with our President and another colleague. This was IT!  But it wasn't.We dined French...

Again - this time I'm taking my clients and there's nothing that could stand in the way!  But alas, there is a mechanical failure and the restaurant has to close - so I take them to Bulla instead.

And now...drum roll please...it's Monday night, I have no travel companions, and I decide to go for it.  I request my Uber and a few minutes later I am arriving at Swine.  Finally.  I go in - it's small, rustic, 10 seat bar with one couple stationed near the corner; a few community tables full of diners and a handful of 4 tops and 2 tops.  I sit at the bar, and the darling bartender gives me the menu(s) and lets me have a moment.  I tell him about my trials just trying to go there (he's very polite about it) and we talk about the options and settle on the Miami Spice menu (this is a 3 courses for $39 like Charlotte restaurant week). And a Manhattan with Bulleit rye.  It's just right - pretty coupe, sour cherry, the sweet vermouth is an accent, and the bitters bring out the rye. Well done, young man.

And the food was everything I hoped for.  I even ate cold leftover ribs for breakfast the next morning.  Just saying.

Martini - 7

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